innovation and venturing

We specialise in solving sticky problems and innovation dilemmas for big business, start-ups, universities and the third sector.

We are innovation mavericks – for the last 20 years we’ve been tackling challenges that don’t fit into the neat diagnostic boxes of mainstream agencies.


We are a unique collective of strategists, technologists and design thinkers who together have delivered more than 700 projects.

We believe this experience can’t be packaged up or applied second-hand. That’s why we don’t hand off projects or sell a standardised approach.

We like doing the work, down to the nitty gritty with our clients, because we know that’s what works best. And because we’re intrigued by the details of how things, people and organisations work, and how they could be even better.

We like to leave behind more than just a problem solved. We’re happiest when our clients change how they think about their organisation, and how they mobilise people to innovate.

That’s why so many of our client relationships last for years.

how we think

We treat each innovation case as unique and are always eager and curious to get under its skin. We think innovation should be guided by principles – not prescribed by process

Explore the bigger picture – befriend complexity and spot opportunities

Iterate and prototype ideas – be responsive and learn fast

Maximise the potential – flexibility, scalability and efficiency

To build and curate a portfolio that matches the ambition of the strategy.

Accelerate or stop projects – focus on what matters most

And always – learn from, develop with and deliver for people

who we help

We work across markets, sectors and geographies.

We support businesses who want to beat the fade. Ambitious challengers who want to lead. New entrants who want to disrupt.

We partner with third sector and government organisations to enhance the delivery of social, economic and environmental impact.

Increasingly, we find ourselves helping groups of clients and partners solve shared, ‘system’ level problems.

Innovation challenges and opportunities are increasingly inter-connected across sectors and spaces – innovation won’t happen in isolation.

Some recent projects

How to enable a systemic response to anti-microbial resistance?
How do you build an effective hardware accelerator and incubator programme?
How can we make a university ‘open for business’?
How do you accelerate a med-tech innovation into a multi-million pound business?
How can we scale a start up to take on Google at its own game?
How to disrupt an established generic pharmaceutical market?
How can we make open innovation more impactful and core to our strategy?
How can we optimise a portfolio of 1600 brand assets as a platform for growth?
How to de-risk and enable the uptake of autonomous systems?
How can we accelerate the decarbonisation of the UK energy system?

talk to us

Call or email us to start the conversation before meeting face to face.

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+44(0)207 183 8300

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